To investigate the role of the sympathetic control mechanism in the an
tihypertensive effect of dietary calcium supplementation, we examined
whether a high calcium diet affected mean arterial pressure, renal sym
pathetic nerve activity, heart rate, and overall and central propertie
s of the arterial baroreceptor reflex in salt-loaded young spontaneous
ly hypertensive rats (SHR). Six-week-old SHR were fed either a normal
(0.66%) or high (8.00%) salt diet with either a normal (1.17%) or high
(4.07%) calcium content for 4 weeks. The arterial baroreceptor reflex
was elicited with rats under halothane anesthesia by altering mean ar
terial pressure with nitroprusside or phenylephrine, The overall prope
rty of the arterial baroreceptor reflex was assessed by the median mea
n arterial pressure (MAP(50)) and maximal gain (G(max)) of the relatio
n between mean arterial pressure and renal sympathetic nerve activity
and between mean arterial pressure and heart rate. The central propert
y of the arterial baroreceptor reflex was assessed by reflex inhibitio
n of renal sympathetic nerve activity and heart rate elicited by elect
rical stimulation of the aortic depressor nerve. Compared with the con
trol group fed a normal salt/normal calcium diet, the high salt/normal
calcium group had significantly higher mean arterial pressure and ren
al sympathetic nerve activity but not heart rate. Moreover, the arteri
al baroreceptor reflex was impaired in the latter group, as evidenced
by an increase in MAP(50) and decrease in G(max) of the two relations
and an attenuation of rifler inhibition of renal sympathetic nerve act
ivity by aortic depressor nerve stimulation. There were no significant
differences in mean arterial pressure, renal sympathetic nerve activi
ty, or the overall and central properties of the arterial baroreceptor
reflex among the control, high salt/high calcium. and normal salt/hig
h calcium groups. In conclusion, dietary calcium supplementation preve
nted accelerated hypertension with sympathetic overactivity as well as
impairment of the arterial baroreceptor reflex in salt-loaded young S
HR. It is suggested that normalization of both tonic and reflex contro
l of sympathetic discharges underlies the antihypertensive effect of a
high calcium diet on salt-induced hypertension.