The primitive anuran amphibian, the yellow-bellied toad, Bombina varie
gata, possesses the spleen with a large white pulp, containing the imm
une-complex-trapping-cells (ICTCs). The handling of immunologically di
fferent substancess in the spleen of B. variegata was investigated. Ad
ult toads were injected into dorsal lymph sacs with a mixture of rabbi
t peroxidase-antiperoxidase, FITC-Ficoll and latex beads. Two hours af
ter injection antigens were found in the blood vessels of the spleen w
here some cells had also PAP on their surface. At that time antigens a
lso reached the white and the red pulps. Finally PAP was trapped on th
e surface of ICTCs in the white pulp and was phagocytized by the white
and red pulp macrophages. FITC-Ficoll was detected in the red pulp ma
crophages while latex beads in macrophages of both compartments. The p
resent study suggests that ICTCs are specialized in trapping only immu
ne complexes.