162 samples of blood from sensitized patients were investigated immuno
hematologically. All the patients were in need of hemotransfusions. Im
munization to HLA-antigens, to leukocyte and erythrocyte antigens was
found in 74.0 % and 25.4 % of the patients, respectively. One patient
(0.6 %) had an extremely rare immunization to antigens D and c of Rh-H
r system. Before hemotransfusion the blood from the donor, recipient a
nd their relatives was subjected to typing by various antigens of the
red cell (ABO, Rh-Hr, MNSs, P, Duffy, Kidd, Kell-Chellano) and leukocy
te (HLA-A, HLA-B, HLA-C, HLA-DR) systems. Hemotransfusions were perfor
med after individual blood matching by compatibility to basic red cell
antigens (A, B, O, D, C, E, c, M, N, K, Fy(a), Ik(a) and to wide-spec
trum antigens HLA according to Terasaki scale. The hemotransfusions fo
llowing immunological matching proceeded without adverse reactions mak
ing the treatment more effective.