The authors report the results of the treatment according to the progr
ams BFM-ALL-90 and BFM-AML-83 and 87. A total of 110 children with acu
te lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and 35 with acute myeloblastic leukemi
a (AML) were treated with remission rate 94,5 % and 74.5 %, respective
ly. Under programmed treatment of ALL the recurrences occurred in 12.2
% against 46 % of the cases in nonprogrammed treatment. 2-year surviv
al made up 75 % and 47.3 %, respectively. Among AML cases there were f
requently prognostically unfavorable ones and patients with neuroleuke
mia this dictating the necessity of the treatment intensification and
irradiation of the skull in AML. Improvement of adjuvant therapy is a
must in advance of acute leukemia treatment.