Let L = L0 + L1 be a Lie superalgebra over a field K of characteristic
0 with enveloping algebra U(L) or let L be a restricted Lie superalge
bra over a field K of characteristic p > 2 with restricted enveloping
algebra U(L). In this paper we continue our study of linear identities
in U(L) and sharpen the previously known results in several ways. Spe
cifically, we show that the Lie superideal DELTA = DELTA(L) = {l is-an
-element-of L\dim(K)[L, l] < infinity}, considered in earlier work, ca
n be replaced by DELTA(L), the join of all finite-dimensional superide
als of L. Since DELTA(L) can be appreciably smaller than DELTA when K
has characteristic 0, these new results are correspondingly stronger t
han the older ones. Next, when L1 was allowed to be infinite dimension
al, the earlier results on linear identities required that DELTA be co
ntained in L0, the even part of L. Here we are able to totally elimina
te this annoying hypothesis. Finally, we show that the results obtaine
d are in fact independent of the special nature of any basis used in t
he course of the proof. As a consequence, we conclude that the center
and the semi-invariants of U(L) are supported by the finite-dimensiona
l superideals of L. Furthermore, if DELTA(L) = 0, then U(L) is prime,
the natural automorphism sigma of order 2 of L is X-outer when L1 not-
equal 0, and the adjoint representation of U(L) on U(L) is faithful. (
C) 1994 Academic Press, Inc.