A 150-kDa DNA-dependent ATPase composed of 83/68-kDa subunits was prev
iously reported to cofractionate with a 21S complex of enzymes for DNA
synthesis from HeLa cells (Vishwanatha, J. K., & Baril, E. F. (1990)
Biochemistry 29, 8753-8759). The DNA-dependent ATPase was purified to
electrophoretic homogeneity from a HeLa cell homogenate by a modified
procedure that involves subcellular fractionation, poly(ethyleneglycol
) precipitation of the combined nuclear extract/cytosol, and chromatog
raphy on Q-Sepharose and native and denatured DNA/celluloses followed
by Mono-S fast protein liquid chromatography. The purified enzyme show
ed equimolar amounts of 83- and 68-kDa polypeptides following polyacry
lamide gel electrophoresis under denaturing conditions. Sequence analy
sis of peptide fragments derived from the separated 83- and 68-kDa pol
ypeptides showed 90-100% homology with the corresponding 80- and 70-kD
a subunits of human Ku protein. Immunoblot analysis of the ATPase duri
ng the course of its purification and immunoprecipitation with antibod
ies to the 80- and 70-kDa subunits of human Ku protein confirmed the r
elationship of the 83- and 68-kDa polypeptides of the human DNA-depend
ent ATPase to the subunits of human Ku protein. Both; the 83- and 68-k
Da polypeptides are phosphorylated by a DNA-dependent protein kinase t
hat cofractionates with the ATPase. The DNA-dependent ATPase activity
is up regulated by phosphorylation.