Two distinct gap junction proteins (connexins) are expressed in rat co
rneal epithelium in a way which parallels cellular differentiation pro
cesses in this tissue. Connexin43 is restricted predominantly to the b
asal cells of the corneal epithelium and is present in significantly r
educed amounts compared to the situation in the adjacent conjunctival
epithelium. In contrast, a gap junction protein recognized by antibodi
es against MP70 which is the ovine homolog of mouse connexin50, is str
ongly expressed in the corneal epithelium and is present in the basal
cells, wing cells and surface cells. While the functional significance
of this differential expression of corneal epithelial connexins has y
et to be established, the corneal epithelium is the third avascular ti
ssue besides lens and heart valves which expresses a gap junction prot
ein recognized by anti-MP70 antibodies.