We recorded auditory evoked magnetic fields from 6 patients with conge
nital unilateral conductive hearing disorder with a 122-channel whole-
head neuromagnetometer. The stimuli were 50-ms 1-kHz tones delivered t
o the better ear at interstimulus intervals (ISIs) of 2 and 8 s at two
different intensities (50 and 70 dB HL). As in normal-hearing subject
s, the amplitudes of N100m, the 100-ms response, were larger in 5 pati
ents and the latencies were shorter in 3 patients over the hemisphere
contralateral to stimulation. However, in one patient N100m peaked alr
eady at 61 ms over the contralateral hemisphere and amplitudes were la
rger over the ipsilateral hemisphere, possibly reflecting reorganizati
on of the auditory pathways. In 3 patients the latencies were shorter
over the ipsilateral hemisphere. The effects of ISI and intensity were
similar over both hemispheres and did not differ from those in contro
ls. It seems that congenital unilateral conductive hearing loss does n
ot necessarily lead to any gross disturbances in the human auditory co