Carcinogenesis is a multistep, multistage process that begins with irr
eversible, but heritable damage to a single cell. The partial hepatect
omy/diethylnitrosamine (DEN) model of rat hepatocarcinogenesis has bee
n well characterized and many aspects of the stage of initiation are k
nown. Recently, it has been suggested that hepatocytes expressing the
placental isozyme of glutathione S-transferase (PGST) may be one popul
ation of initiated cells. Male Fischer rats were subjected to a 70% pa
rtial hepatectomy and at the peak of cell proliferation 24 h later wer
e administered either the solvent trioctanoin, or 10 mg DEN/kg. The ra
ts were administered 100 mg bromodeoxyuridine (BrdU)/kg 1 h prior to d
eath at various times after DEN administration. Since initiation of th
e carcinogenesis process requires the division of cells containing DNA
damage to induce mutations, we examined the concentration of alkylate
d adducts and the labeling index at various times after DEN administra
tion. In addition, the time course of hepatic PGST expression was dete
rmined concurrent with the adduct concentration and labeling index. Du
ring the first day after DEN or solvent administration to a rat subjec
ted to a 70% partial hepatectomy, a diurnal variation in labeling inde
x was observed. A recovery to postsurgical labeling index levels was d
emonstrated for both the solvent- and DEN-treated groups by 7 days. Th
e concentration of three promutagenic lesions was maximal at 6 h after
DEN administration. The detectable level of the O(6)EG adduct was neg
ligible by 24 h after DEN administration, while the two O-alkylpyrimid
ines, O(2)ET and O(4)ET, were retained for much longer periods. Single
hepatocytes expressing PGST were observed by 2 days after DEN adminis
tration, while small foci of PGST-expressing hepatocytes could be reli
ably detected by 2 weeks. Two phases of PGST expression in single hepa
tocytes were observed. The first phase was maximal at day 3 and comple
te by day 6, while the second reached a plateau by day 8 and was maint
ained for the 28 days of the study. The presence of the three O-alkyla
tion adducts during a time of enhanced cellular proliferation suggests
that all three promutagenic adducts may contribute to the initiation
that results in the partial hepatectomy/DEN model of rat hepatocarcino