The primary evidence for the temporal and spatial distribution of glac
iation prior to the Cenozoic is the occurrence of tillites. These are
diamictites (poorly sorted mixtures of very coarse-grained to fine-gra
ined sediments), and associated deposits, which have features consider
ed diagnostic of glacial action. The discovery that many diamictite-be
aring sequences were the products of debris flows and related mass flo
ws, with contemporaneous rainout of coarse sediment, has led to the re
interpretation of many tillites as glaciomarine debris-flow deposits.
Fallout of ballistic ejecta from the impact of large asteroids or come
ts can also create large-scale debris flows with simultaneous rainout
of debris. Recent calculations of the predicted volume and distributio
n of impact-generated diamictites suggest that they should be common i
n the geologic record. Moreover, ballistic debris-flow deposits can ap
parently exhibit a number of features considered characteristic of gla
cial deposits (e.g., striated clasts, eroded and striated pavements).
The possible confusion between glacial and impact diamictites-a few di
amictite deposits formerly interpreted as glacial or questionably glac
ial in origin are already known to be impact ejecta-suggests that a re
view of the properties of diamictites of various origins is required.
Evidence of shock deformation in diamictites is the most important cri
terion for determining an impact origin. It is possible that some diam
ictites identified as glaciogenic may actually be ejecta of large impa
cts, which may help to explain climatic anomalies, such as Lower Prote
rozoic tillites at a time of predicted global warmth, and the low-lati
tude distribution of some Upper Proterozoic glacial deposits.