We present a patient with posterior cortical atrophy in whom positron
emission tomography (PET) showed unusual findings. This 65-year-old ma
n had a 5-year history of slowly progressive apperceptive visual agnos
ia and Balint syndrome, but with a relatively well-preserved intellige
nce and language ability even in the later stages of illness. No relev
ant features in this patient or his family were identified. Laboratory
and radiographic investigations indicated that cerebral damage was du
e to primary degeneration. His symptoms resembled those of patients wi
th posterior cortical atrophy. A PET study revealed that cerebral meta
bolism was reduced in the dorsal regions of the entire cortex and asym
metrical with the main site of damage on the right. The severity in as
ymmetry increased dorsally. These 2 types of predilection for dorsal r
egions had not previously been reported in such patients. These unusua
l PET findings may indicate the presence of pathological changes not y
et identified.