The Ulysses Unified Radio and Plasma (URAP) experiment has detected a
new component of Jupiter's radio spectrum in the frequency range from
about 10 to 30 kHz. This component is emitted in the magnetoionic ordi
nary mode from a localized corotating source in the northern polar reg
ion. The source is centered at system III longitude 208-degrees, near
the meridian containing the North magnetic dipole axis, at a distance
of nearly 4R(J) from the planet and near the last closed field line. T
he emission frequency is somewhat above the electron plasma frequency
in the source region, but well below the electron gyrofrequency. Accom
panying this 0-mode emission at lower frequencies is intense Z-mode em
ission, which is likely to play a significant role in the generation o
f the 0-mode.