A Phase IIB clinical trial typically is a single-arm study aimed at de
ciding whether a new treatment E is sufficiently promising, relative t
o a standard therapy, S, to include in a large-scale randomized trial.
Thus, Phase IIB trials are inherently comparative even though a stand
ard therapy arm usually is not included. Uncertainty regarding the res
ponse rate Theta(2) of S is rarely made explicit, either in planning t
he trial or interpreting its results. We propose practical Bayesian gu
idelines for deciding whether E is promising relative to S in settings
where patient response is binary and the data are monitored continuou
sly. The design requires specification of an informative prior for The
ta(2), a targeted improvement for E, and bounds on the allowed sample
size. No explicit specification of a loss function is required. Sampli
ng continues until E is shown to be either promising or not promising
relative to S with high posterior probability, or the maximum sample s
ize is reached. The design provides decision boundaries, a probability
distribution for the sample size at termination, and operating charac
teristics under fixed response probabilities with E.