In this study we have investigated DNA-protein interactions at an AP1-
like motif of the neuropeptide tyrosine (NPY) promoter during in vitro
differentiation of human neuroblastoma cells SH-SY5Y to mature lifera
tive sympathetic neuron-like cells. neuroblast-like cells originate fr
om the parental cell line SK-N-SH from which two phenotypically distin
ct major cell types have been subcloned: the neuroblast-like SH-SY5Y c
ells and the epithelial-like SH-EP cells. SH-SY5Y cells can be induced
to differentiate towards mature noradrenergic ganglion-like cells by
the protein kinase C activator TPA (12-O-tetradecanoyl phorbol 13-acet
ate). Interestingly, the effects of TPA are mimicked by the protein ki
nase inhibitor, staurosporine, which induces the expression of TPA tar
get genes such as the neuronal differentiation-associated gene NPY in
SH-SY5Y cells. Following activation of PKC, the effects of TPA are kno
wn to act through the transcription factor AP-1. To study transcriptio
nal regulation during sympathetic differentiation of human neuroblasto
ma cells by TPA as well as by staurosporine, we focussed on protein co
mplexes at an evolutionarily conserved AP-1 like motif located at nucl
eotide positions -70 to -65 within the 5'-flanking region of the NPY g
ene. We show that both c-Jun and c-Fos are part of the protein complex
es that bind to this sequence in SH-SY5Y cells. Both staurosporine and
TPA enhanced and modulated the binding of these DNA-protein complexes
concomitant with the NPY mRNA expression. On the other hand, the abse
nce of these complexes in the SH-EP subclone was associated with the a
bsence of NPY mRNA expression and a lack of differentiation-associated
morphological changes. The data suggest that Fos and Jun heterodimers
are part of the protein complexes that bind to the AP-1 regulatory el
ement of the NPY promoter in the neuroblast-like SH-SY5Y cells. These
protein complexes appear to contribute to the cell specific expression
of the NPY gene and seem to be required during differentiation of SH-
SY5Y human neuroblastoma cells further along the sympathetic neuronal
lineage induced by either TPA or staurosporine.