Any. Cheung et al., ASSESSMENT OF CELL-PROLIFERATION IN HYDATIDIFORM MOLE USING MONOCLONAL-ANTIBODY MIB1 TO KI-67 ANTIGEN, Journal of Clinical Pathology, 47(7), 1994, pp. 601-604
Aims-To assess the role of Ki67 immunoreactivity in predicting the cli
nical progress of hydatidiform mole. Methods-Tissue from 87 hydatidifo
rm moles, 11 normal first trimester placentas, 11 normal term placenta
s and 17 spontaneous abortions were examined for expression of Ki67 an
tigen, using the monoclonal antibody MIBI. Results-Ki67 immunoreactivi
ty was significantly higher in the tissue from normal first trimester
placentas than in that from normal term placentas and spontaneous abor
tions. Among the 87 patients with hydatidiform moles studied, 20 devel
oped persistent gestational trophoblastic disease and required subsequ
ent treatment. There was no statistically significant difference in th
e Ki67 index between the 20 patients who developed persistent disease
and those who did not. Conclusion-Hydatidiform moles which give rise t
o persistent trophoblastic disease do not have a higher proliferative
rate than those which do not. The Ki67 index is not useful for predict
ing the prognosis of molar pregnancies.