The replication error phenotype, recognized as microsatellite sequence
alterations, has recently been suggested to be associated with heredi
tary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer and other types of sporadic tumors
. We examined paired tumor-normal DNAs from 69 human male germ cell tu
mors for somatic instability at the 1q42-43 region. Analysis of a vari
able number of tandem repeats marker (D1S74) and 3 (CA)(n) type micros
atellite loci (D1S235, D1S180, and angiotensinogen) revealed genetic a
lterations in tumor DNAs of 26 (38.2%) cases. The changes observed com
prised rearrangements with D1S74 detected by Southern blot analysis in
4 of 55 (7%) cases; replication error-type alterations with D1S235, D
1S180, and angiotensinogen in 12 of 66 (18.2%) cases; and loss of hete
rozygosity in 12 of 67 (17.9%) cases with the same probes. The microsa
tellite sequence alterations were more common in histological subsets
other than teratomas, while the loss of heterozygosity was significant
ly more frequent in teratomas compared to other histologies. These res
ults suggest that microsatellite instability and loss of heterozygosit
y at 1q42-43 may be unrelated genetic events which may play a role in
germ cell tumor development.