Wheatgerm agglutin (WGA) conjugated horseradish peroxidase (HRP) retro
grade tracing technique was combined with immunohistochemistry to stud
y the origin of cholecystokinin (CCK)-like immunoreactive (ir) nerve f
ibers in the neurohypophysis of the rat. The CCK-ir neurons projecting
to the neurohypophysis were localized mainly in the magnocellular par
aventricular nuclei (mPVN), periventricular PVN, medial parvocelullar
PVN, medial preoptic area and dorsal accessory nuclei in region betwee
n the stria medullaris and fornix. Double-labeled cells were also obse
rved in small amounts in the dorsal parts of supraoptic nuclei, the ve
ntral parts of anterior hypothalamic regions and lateral hypothalamic
areas. In addition, a few double-labeled cells were seen in the subepe
ndymal area of the interventricular foramen (IVF) and in the floor of
the 3rd ventricle. Our results demonstrate that CCK-ir nerve fibers in
the posterior pituitary originate from more widespread hypothalamic a
reas than generally assumed. The fact that some CCK-ir neurons project
ing to the posterior pituitary were located close to cerebrospinal flu
id suggests that they may play. a role in monitoring and controlling c
hanges of cerebrospinal fluid.