Background - Gallium (Ga), is a group III transition metal with proven
antitumor activity which shares certain characteristics with iron in
that it binds tightly to transferrin and lactoferrin and can be incorp
orated into ferritin, Iron is essential for cell growth and viability,
while iron deprivation results in inhibition in the synthesis of deox
yribonucleotides. Due to the essential role of iron in erythroleukemic
cells, we were interested in assessing whether Ga could inhibit growt
h of these cells, whether Ga-induced blockade of iron utilization indu
ces cell death and, if so, whether this effect could be reversed by ad
dition of hemin, Methods - The effects of Ga nitrate on several parame
ters of cell viability were examined, Cell cycle status and cellular p
orphyrins were analyzed by flow cytometry, The effect of intracellular
iron on the growth-inhibitory properties of Ga was studied by loading
Friend erythroleukemic cells (FLC) with iron from hemin, Results - Fo
llowing treatment of FLC with Ga, flow cytometry revealed cell cycle c
hanges and increased fluorescence intensity, Transmission electron mic
roscopy and spectral imaging analysis revealed morphological changes a
s well as changes in chromatin condensation and cytoplasmic integrity,
X-ray microanalysis revealed Na+ and Cl- influx, Hemin was unable to
reverse the Ga-induced effects, Conclusions - Addition of Ga to the gr
owth medium of cultured FLC results in an intracellular iron deficienc
y which cannot be reversed by hemin, and consequently leads to cell de