Reactions of a 41 MeV/u beam of the radioactive halo nucleus Be-11 hav
e been studied with a counter telescope coupled to an array of neutron
detectors covering angles up to 97-degrees. The technique allows to d
etermine single-neutron inclusive and exclusive angular distributions.
The targets (Be, Ti and Au) were chosen to illustrate the relative ro
les played by nuclear and Coulomb mechanisms. The channels leading to
Be-10, the dissociation channels, correspond to impact parameters larg
er than the sum of the radii of the target and the Be-10 core. It is s
hown that for the dissociation process it is possible to account almos
t quantitatively for the integral, single- and double-differential cro
ss sections from models without free parameters including the Coulomb,
Serber and Glauber (diffraction-dissociation) mechanisms. The neutron
distributions from the nondissociative reaction channels show little
individuality and it is convenient to group them together as the chann
el ''neutron plus anything different from Be-10''. We refer to these a
s ''restricted-inclusive'' reactions. These seem to be a promising too
l for obtaining accurate information on the halo wave function in mome
ntum coordinates.