To determine whether the amino acid pattern of human milk is unique, w
e compared the amino acid pattern of human milk with the amino acid pa
tterns of the milks of great apes (chimpanzee and gorilla), lower prim
ates (baboon arid rhesus monkey) and nonprimates (cow, goat, sheep, Il
ama, pig, horse, elephant, cat and rat). Amino acid pattern was define
d as the relative proportion of each amino acid (protein-bound plus fr
ee) (in mg) to the total amino acids (in g). Total amino acid concentr
ation was lower in primate milk than in nonprimate milk. There were co
mmonalities in the overall amino acid pattern of the milks of all spec
ies sampled: the most abundant amino acids were glutamate (plus glutam
ine, 20%), proline (10%) and leucine (10%). Essential amino acids were
40%, branched-chain amino acids 20%, and sulfur amino acids 4% of the
total amino acids. The amino acid pattern of human milk was more simi
lar to those of great apes than to those of lower primates.' For examp
le, cystine was higher and methionine was lower in primate milks than
in nonprimate milks, and in great ape and human milks than in lower pr
imate milks. Because the milk amino acid patterns of the human and ele
phant, both slow-growing species, were dissimilar, the amino acid patt
ern of human milk seems unrelated to growth rate.