We aimed to record fundic motor activity in man using the barostat to
ascertain if fundic motility is affected by rectal distension. The dis
tal ends of two barostat tubes were placed in the gastric fundus and r
ectum in 10 healthy volunteers. The gastric bag was first inflated to
a constant pressure level that recorded phasic motor activity as chang
es in volume of the air-filled bag. Baseline motor activity was record
ed before, during, and after a 15-min period of constant rectal disten
sion that was clearly perceived by all subjects but was not painful. I
n all subjects, continuous phasic volume changes, reflecting fundic mo
tor activity, were recorded at a rate of 1-3/min. During rectal disten
sion, a consistent change in mean contractile force of these phasic vo
lume events was not detected; a decrease of more than 30% occurred in
only three subjects. We conclude that fundic phasic volume changes are
recordable by the barostat, but these are not substantially inhibited
by rectal distension.