Marine ammonia oxidising bacteria were enriched by incubation of sea w
ater, amended with ammonium sulphate, and subsequent subculture in liq
uid inorganic medium. PCR primers were designed to be specific for rDN
A sequences from ammonia oxidisers belonging to the beta-sub-group of
the proteobacteria. These primers were then used to amplify rRNA genes
from ammonia oxidiser enrichment cultures containing heterotrophs. PC
R products were recovered from all cultures in which complete ammonia
oxidation occurred. Subsequent rDNA sequence analysis indicated the pr
esence of three new lineages within the clade defined by sequences of
cultured beta-sub-group ammonia oxidisers. Two of the new lineages sho
wed moderate similarity to sequences from pure cultures of ammonia oxi
disers previously isolated from marine and brackish environments. The
third lineage (AEM-3) was deep branching and occupied an intermediate
position between clades defined by Nitrosomonas or Nitrosospira, which
were isolated from soil or sewage. The phylogenetic analysis suggests
that, in enrichment cultures, the primers are specific for members of
the target group, the beta-proteobacteria ammonia oxidisers. The resu
lts also indicate the presence of previously unknown ammonia oxidisers
in marine samples. The approach enabled analysis of ammonia oxidiser
enrichments at an early stage and without the requirement for isolatio
n of pure cultures, significantly reducing the time required and facil
itating quantitative assessment of relatedness of strains.