C. Regenfus, SINGLE-SIDED MU-STRIP DETECTOR WITH BACKPLANE READOUT FOR FAST TRIGGER APPLICATIONS, Nuclear instruments & methods in physics research. Section A, Accelerators, spectrometers, detectors and associated equipment, 386(1), 1997, pp. 60-65
Motivated by a project to trigger on the charged decay of neutral stra
nge particles, a single-sided Si-mu-strip vertex detector (SVX) has be
en placed in vacuum close to the liquid hydrogen target of the Crystal
Barrel spectrometer at LEAR (CERN). An event is accepted if the multi
plicity of charged tracks outside the SVX increases by 2 or more. For
this purpose the signals from the detector backplane are read out by e
lectronics specially adapted to the problems of speed, high detector c
apacitance and high leakage current. This provides a fast first level
trigger (0.5 mu s), gives an additional energy deposit measurement and
helps in pile up recognition. The exact event multiplicity for a seco
nd level trigger can be determined from discriminators in the strip si
gnal ADCs during the serial readout (26 mu s), using a CAMAC based mul
tiplicity encoder. If no digital control signals are applied to the SV
X, the signal-to-noise ratio for minimum ionising particles (MIPs) on
the backplane has been measured to be around 12, in good agreement wit
h noise calculations, where noise cross-talk between the two preamp sy
stems is neglected. The backplane signal provides, moreover, an intrin
sic trigger for the readout of the strip side, allowing for instance t
he detection of X-rays absorbed in the detector.