Most cultivated bananas are triploids. Diploid bananas are important t
o breeding programmes. We analyzed diploids to investigate the genetic
organisation of the Musa species complex. Restriction fragment length
polymorphism (RFLP) was used to analyze the genetic diversity of 160
diploid bananas. 70 seminiferous clones (wild bananas) of the species
Musa acuminata, M balbisiana and M schizocarpa and 90 parthenocarpic c
lones (cultivars) were studied using 30 mapped single copy nuclear pro
bes. Alleles specific to the 3 species studied were found. M acuminata
is the most polymorphic: its genetic structuration is discussed. M sc
hizocarpa appeared to be very similar to M acuminata banksii, and M ba
lbisiana is more divergent. All the diploid parthenocarpic bananas con
tain M acuminata alleles. This confirm the involvement of M acuminata
in the origin of parthenorarpy. Some cultivars were proved to be hybri
ds between M acuminata and M schizocarpa.