This paper describes the use of the oligonucleotide probe (GTG)5 to re
veal high polymorphic DNA regions in falcons (Falco peregrinus, F. rus
ticolus, F. cherrug and their interspecies hybrids). Ten microliters o
f the blood samples were immobilized, lysed and digested in low-meltin
g point agarose. Oligonucleotide probe (GTG)5 gave rise to the great n
umber of different fragments. Some of them were genus specific, anothe
r female specific and approx. 5 - 10 % of the fragments were individua
l specific. Restriction endonucleases with 4 bp recognition sequences
were preferred (Hinf I, Hae III and Msp I). After the use of such enzy
mes the DNA fingerprints were individual specific and allowed us to co
nfirm known relations among individual birds. The results indicate, th
at DNA fingerprinting with oligonucleotide (GTG)5 as a probe could be
a powerful method for differentiating among closely related falcon bir