Electron momentum densities of the four valence molecular orbitals of
H2Se have been measured by (e, 2e) spectroscopy. Although the three ou
termost orbitals all show momentum densities that are qualitatively si
milar to the 4p orbital of a free Se atom, a detailed comparison of th
e orbital momentum densities using the autocorrelation function approa
ch reveals differences consistent with the usual qualitative molecular
orbital (MO) theoretical representations of these orbitals. For H2Se,
as for H2S previously studied by others, the experimental (e, 2e) mom
entum densities are accurately described by near-Hartree-Fock level or
bital momentum density calculations. Results from direct calculations
of the SCF-CI overlap densities and the SCF orbital momentum densities
with a 3-21G basis are found to be very similar. This suggests that
relaxation and correlation effects are small for H2Se. This is in cont
rast to H2O where such effects are substantial, particularly for the h
ighest-occupied molecular orbital (HOMO).