Marketing not only means better selling, better handling of customer r
elations, or special creativity in details. Marketing is a basic attit
ude towards thinking which requires proper management and technical re
alization by an appropriate marketing mix of the individual spheres of
action. In addition, there is need for very thorough market research,
reporting of market prices, and market analysis based on available da
ta. Planning, not in the sense of a planned economy but in one of an o
rderly completion of decision processes, is required. Especially by us
ing a systematical approach, single public forestry enterprises and fo
restry administrations, because of the given mixture of profit and non
profit domain, many possibilities to provide a differentiated offer of
products and services. All this contributes to the ability to compete
successfully, with the prime objective being to keep the enterprise g
oing. Because of the present situation, this is urgently needed for Ce
ntral Europe's forestry.