We investigated whether development of pulmonary fibrosis following in
halational exposure of mice to silica (quartz) dust was accompanied by
enhanced secretion of activity resembling epidermal growth factor (EG
F). Mitogenic activity for pulmonary fibroblasts was assessed in bronc
hoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) using a serum-free bioassay. Activity i
n BALF from mice exposed to nonfibrogenic titanium dioxide dust was co
mparable to that in BALF from normal animals. In contrast, mitogenic a
ctivity was significantly increased at 6 and 12 weeks after inhalation
of silica particles, coinciding with the appearance of collagenised l
esions in the lung. BALF from mice exposed to silica 6 weeks previousl
y had significantly higher concentrations of growth factor(s) able to
bind to EGF receptors on pulmonary fibroblasts. In parallel, macrophag
es within inflammatory lesions in the airspaces acquired immunoreactiv
ity for EGF. The presence of an increased concentration of EGF-like gr
owth factor(s) in BALF might constitute a marker of particle-induced p
ulmonary fibrosis.