This work presents a model for the skin which accounts for both the no
nlinearities and the asymmetries in its voltage-current characteristic
. This model consists of an electrical submodel and a heat transfer su
bmodel. The electrical submodel uses nonlinear devices in which some p
arameters depend on skin temperature. The heat transfer submodel model
s the heat exchange between the skin, the surrounding tissues, and the
ambient medium and calculates the temperature of the skin to update t
he necessary parameters of the electrical submodel. The model is based
on experiments designed to determine: 1) the dry skin voltage-current
characteristic; 2) the changes in the skin breakdown voltage with loc
ation; 3) the moist skin voltage-current characteristic; 4) the change
s in the voltage-current characteristic of the skin with duration afte
r the onset of stimulation; and 5) the effect of skin temperature on i
ts voltage-current characteristic. During these experiments we used 84
-mm(2) square Ag-AgCl electrodes to apply sinusoidal voltage of 0.2 an
d 20 Hz. The simulations were performed using the Advanced Continuous
Simulation Language (ACSL), capable of solving differential and integr
al equations with variable coefficients. The model predicted the skin
behavior satisfactorily for a large range of amplitudes and frequencie
s. We found that the breakdown occurred when the energy delivered to t
he skin exceeded a threshold. Above this threshold the voltage-current
characteristic of the skin became nonlinear and asymmetric and, in a
real situation, the subject would experience an uncomfortable sensatio
n which could rapidly develop into pain.