We report our experience with colour Doppler sonography (CDS) in 20 no
rmal subjects and 25 patients with intraocular space-occupying lesions
. The technique provided an in vivo cross-section of the vascular topo
graphy of space-occupying lesions in real time. Colour coding and spec
tral analysis helped to determine the direction and pattern of blood f
low. CDS was found to be a useful diagnostic adjuvant, a guide to the
treatment protocol, and helped in monitoring the progress of the disea
se. In conditions of the eye where unclear media hindered a clinical e
valuation, CDS sonography was a safe, easily reproducible and non-inva
sive investigative tool. With further technical advances in waveform a
nalysis and quantitative assessment, CDS holds promise as an investiga
tive modality of choice in the future.