Efficiency is defined as the ratio of the energy delivered by a system
to the energy supplied to it. Depending on the particular question be
ing addressed, there exist a plethora of definitions of efficiency in
medical texts, thus hampering their comparison. If only the ventricula
r work seen by the arterial system is under investigation, pressure-vo
lume work will serve as a useful numerator. If, on the other hand, ext
ernal and internal work together, i.e. the total mechanical work, is o
f interest, the pressure-volume area might be employed. Total myocardi
al oxygen consumption (MVO(2)) will be a useful denominator in the cas
e of aerobic energy production. The MVO(2) for the unloaded contractio
n must be assessed if, as in other energy transfer systems, net effici
ency is to be addressed. If even smaller steps in the chain of energy
transfer are to be investigated MVO(2) for the arrested heart must be
assessed. With an appropriate therapy, hemodynamic determinants can be
varied, to improve cardiac efficiency. Nonetheless, measurement of al
l variables necessary for the calculation of efficiency remains a chal
lenge, in particular in the clinical setting. Separation of the direct
effects of drugs on efficiency is even more difficult, since hemodyna
mic conditions can hardly be controlled throughout the observation per
iod, and changes in efficiency might be secondary to changes in hemody
namics. Whether the heart by itself employs mechanisms to improve its
efficiency is still a matter of discussion: there is evidence that whe
n oxygen supply decreases, the heart can switch from one substrate to
a less costly one, or possibly can improve efficiency through better u
se of oxygen. Moreover, the heart seems to ''sense'' an even more decr
eased oxygen supply and reduce function in response, Myocardial stunni
ng could be regarded as a protective mechanism as well, with function
remaining depressed and the oxygen supply being normal or close to nor
mal. One may conclude from the decreased efficiency that the excess ox
ygen consumption is used up for repair processes. The improved efficie
ncy found in hypertrophied hearts represents another adaptive process.
The underlying mechanism is unclear: a shift towards isomyosin V-3 or
some undefined shift in metabolic pathway is discussed. It is also st
ill a moot question towards which objective the efficiency of the hear
t is adjusted. It has been described that under physiologic conditions
, the efficiency of both the left and the right ventricle ought to be
maximized. The alternative finding that the heart and the arterial sys
tem are adjusted to maximize stroke work is only a serious contrast if
both maxima are narrow and clearly separated from each other.