The emergence of the biotechnology industry and introduction of drugs
derived from recombinant DNA technology has generated many new issues
in approaches to preclinical safety evaluation and extrapolation of re
sults to risk assessment in humans. Products or therapeutic approaches
for consideration include hormones, growth factors, cytokines, monocl
onal antibodies, vaccines, blood products, antisense, and gene therapy
. In many instances the application of standard safety tests conventio
nally used for small molecules are of limited value or are inappropria
te. Studies should be designed to answer specific scientific questions
rather than simply to fulfill regulatory requirements. Special consid
eration must be given to study design and species selection in terms o
f biological activity and species specificity, implications of immunol
ogical responses in the animal studies, and effects of systemic admini
stration of molecules at clinically relevant doses. A full understandi
ng of the clinical relevance of toxicological and pathologic findings
associated with administration of these molecules to laboratory animal
s requires definition of the pathogenic mechanism of lesion induction.