Wild-type p53 forms tetramers and multiples of tetramers. Friedman et
al. (P. N. Friedman, X. B. Chen, J. Bargonetti, and C. Prives, Proc. N
atl. Acad. Sci. USA 90:3319-3323, 1993) have reported that human p53 b
ehaves as a larger molecule during gel filtration than it does during
sucrose gradient sedimentation. These differences argue that wild-type
p53 has a nonglobular shape. To identify structural and oligomerizati
on domains in p53, we have investigated the physical properties of pur
ified segments of p53. The central, specific DNA-binding domain within
murine amino acids 80 to 320 and human amino acids 83 to 323 behaves
predominantly as monomers during analysis by sedimentation, gel filtra
tion, and gel electrophoresis. This consistent behavior argues that th
e central region of p53 is globular in shape. Under appropriate condit
ions, however, this segment can form transient oligomers without appar
ent preference for a single oligomeric structure. This region does not
enhance transformation by other oncogenes. The biological implication
s of transient oligomerization by this central segment, therefore, rem
ain to be demonstrated. Like wild-type p53, the C terminus, consisting
of murine amino acids 280 to 390 and human amino acids 283 to 393, be
haves anomalously during gel filtration and apparently has a nonglobul
ar shape. Within this region, murine amino acids 315 to 350 and human
amino acids 323 to 355 are sufficient for assembly of stable tetramers
. The finding that murine amino acids 315 to 360 enhance transformatio
n by other oncogenes strongly supports the role of p53 tetramerization
in oncogenesis. Amino acids 330 to 390 of murine p53 and amino acids
340 to 393 of human p53, which have been implicated by Sturzbecher et
al. in tetramerization (H.-W. Sturzbecher, R. Brain, C. Addison, K. Ru
dge, M. Remm, M. Grimaldi, E. Keenan, and J. R. Jenkins, Oncogene 7:15
13-1523, 1992), do not form stable tetramers under our conditions. Our
findings indicate that p53 has at least two autonomous oligomerizatio
n domains: a strong tetramerization domain in its C-terminal region an
d a weaker oligomerization domain in the central DNA binding region of
p53. Together, these domains account for the formation of tetramers a
nd multiples of tetramers by wild-type p53. The tetramerization domain
is the major determinant of the dominant negative phenotype leading t
o transformation by mutant p53s.