The Schaltenbrand and Wahren stereotactic atlas was critically re-exam
ined focusing on the technical quality and the consistency of the hori
zontal, sagittal and frontal microscopic cut series. From each series,
both an isotropic contour and a solid volume model represented by a 2
56(3) matrix with an edge length of 6.4 cm were created using 3D-inter
polation. Reslicing of the solid volumes in corresponding orthogonal p
lanes enabled thorough direct comparison of the three series. In a 3D-
navigation system prototype, the contour models can be matched to MRI
and CT series. Different procedures for rigid matching including landm
ark matching were implemented. As regards the verification criteria, t
he frontal Schaltenbrand and Wahren series yielded the most comprehens
ible results whereas in the horizontal and sagittal series artifacts a
ppear more pronounced.