Cables employing braiding and two-layer binder screens, are the most c
ommonly employed industrially-manufactured flexible cables (for radio,
maritime and other cable products). This is due to the fact that mesh
screens combine electrical and mechanical properties in the best way.
However, difficulties are encountered in a theoretical determination
of the screening characteristics of braiding: It is impossible to obta
in a rigorous closed solution, there are contacts between conductor in
tersections both within the same lay and between lays in different dir
ections whose resistance has an arbitrary distribution, and there is t
he problem of the complexity of the field structure near the surface o
f the braiding associated with the helical overlapping of the screen c
onductors. By applying the method of averaging in [1] to inhomogeneous
screening, it is possible to avoid these difficulties. A method is de
scribed that makes it possible to calculate the screening attenuation
of cable braiding and binder.