We describe the radiological and histopathological findings in five ch
ildren with cystic fibrosis who presented recently to our hospital. Ea
ch child underwent surgery after failing to respond to medical managem
ent for suspected distal intestinal obstruction syndrome. Four patient
s had preoperative ultrasound and contrast enema examinations. Walt th
ickening and dilatation of the ascending colon was seen on ultrasound
and contrast enema revealed a stricture of the ascending colon in all
four. At surgery these findings were confirmed. All five patients had
histopathological changes of post-ischaemic ulceration repair. One chi
ld had symptoms of intestinal obstruction 5 months after right hemicol
ectomy. Radiological investigation revealed a stricture in the descend
ing colon which was resected. The histopathological changes were the s
ame as before. Colonic strictures should be considered in cystic fibro
sis patients who do not respond to medical management of distal intest
inal obstruction syndrome.