The energy of interaction, W-12(R), of two ions at separation R in an
ionic medium is considered using Debye-Huckel (DH) theory for spheres
of diameter a(0). The ions are treated as spheres of dielectric consta
nt D' which may differ from that of the medium, say D; they have radii
b and carry equal or opposite point charges. The electrostatic potent
ial phi(r) in the ionic medium satisfies the DH equation del(2) phi=ka
ppa(2) phi. An exact, closed-form expression is obtained for W-12(R).
In the limit of zero ionic strength (kappa(2)-->0) previous asymptotic
results for R-->infinity, indicating Phi(4)/R(4) +Phi(6)/R(6)+Phi(7)/
R(7)+... corrections to Coulomb's law, are reproduced; by contrast for
kappa b>0 the leading interaction term when R-->infinity varies, as e
xpected, like e(-kappa R)/DR but the first correction decays as kappa(
2)e(-2 kappa R)/DR(2), i.e., with a squared screening factor, and can
be stated for two ions differing in charge, radii, etc. The same calcu
lations show that, within DH theory, modeling the ions with D' not equ
al D has no effects on the predicted thermodynamics.