We study the conformation and scaling properties of a self-avoiding fl
uid membrane, subject to an osmotic pressure p, by means of Monte Carl
o simulations. Using finite size scaling methods in combination with a
histogram reweighting techniques we find that the surface undergoes a
n abrupt conformational transition at a critical pressure p, from low
pressure deflated configurations with a branched polymer characterist
ics to a high pressure inflated phase, in agreement with previous find
ings [1, 2]. The transition pressure p scales with the system size as
p is-proportional-to N(-alpha), with alpha = 0.69 +/- 0.01. Below p*
the enclosed volume scales as V is-proportional-to N, in accordance w
ith the self-avoiding branched polymer structure, and for p arrow poin
ting down and to the right p our data are consistent with the finite
size scaling form V is-proportional-to N(beta+), where beta+ = 1.43 +/
- 0.04. Also the finite size scaling behavior of the radii of gyration
and the compressibility moduli are obtained. Some of the observed exp
onents and the mechanism behind the conformational collapse are interp
reted in terms of a Flory theory.