The federal Conservation Reserve Program (CRP), which had goals includ
ing reduced soil erosion and increased wildlife habitat, funded divers
ion of land from annual crops into permanent vegetation, The survival
of grasses and legumes planted in CRP fields was not known, Our object
ives were to assess the persistence and coverage of grasses and legume
s in 6- to 8-yr-old CRP fields and to determine changes in soil pH, P,
and K levels, We studied 151 CRP fields chosen from 10 counties in fo
ur geographical regions of Minnesota: 108 in the conservation practice
1 (CP-1) cover type (planted cool-season perennial grasses and legume
s); 17 in the CP-2 cover type (planted warm-season native grasses); an
d 26 in the CP-10 cover type (existing vegetation), Statewide, legumes
persisted in 82% of CP-1 fields planted to legumes, with 23% groundco
ver. Grasses persisted in 90% of the planted CP-1 fields with 47% grou
ndcover. Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and birdsfoot trefoil (Lotus cor
niculaturs L.), the most persistent legumes, persisted in 90 and 67% o
f the planted fields with 21 and 32% groundcover, respectively, Smooth
bromegrass (Bromus inermis Leyss), reed canarygrass (Phalaris arundin
acea L.), and switchgrass (Panicum virgatum L.) persisted in over 90%
of the planted fields and had 50% groundcover or more, Other legumes a
nd grasses persisted in 50% or less of the planted fields and had 10%
groundcover or less, To maintain legumes in CRP fields, clipping is re
quired or cultivars should be developed that persist without defoliati
on. Generally, soil pH, P, and K levels did not change from initial to
final samples and should be adequate to obtain low levels of forage p