The federal Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) funded the conversion o
f eroding cropland to grass or grass-legume cover that was not to be t
illed, hayed, or grazed for 10 yr. It was not known what the species c
omposition of CRP fields would be after years of minimal disturbance.
Our objective was to document the presence and percentage groundcover
of weeds in 151 CRP fields located in 10 Minnesota counties; including
108 Conservation Practice (CP)-1 (cool-season legumes and grasses) fi
elds, 17 CP-2 (native grasses) fields, and 26 CP-10 (existing vegetati
on) fields. Groundcover of each species present and of bare ground was
scored in six 106-sq-ft sample plots per field. The most prevalent sp
ecies were the primary noxious weed Canada thistle [Cirsium arvense (L
.) Scop.], the secondary noxious weed quackgrass [Elytrigia repens (L.
) Desv. ex. Nevski], and the non- noxious weeds dandelion (Taraxacum o
fficinale Weber.) and goldenrod (Solidago spp.). Weed percentage groun
dcover was higher in CP-10 fields than in CP-1 or CP-2 fields, probabl
y because many CP-10 stands were already thinning at the start of the
CRP contract. Volunteer legumes and grasses were common in CP-10 field
s. In CP-1 fields, legume and grass percentage groundcover usually was
correlated negatively with weed percentage groundcover. Weed percenta
ge groundcover and species richness were correlated positively Gopher
mounding was correlated positively with the amount of bare ground and
with the percentage groundcover of annual and biennial weed species. P
rimary, secondary, and non-noxious weeds were each found in nearly 90%
of the fields studied. Widespread presence of noxious weeds on CRP fi
elds is a cause for concern. Weed control issues should be addressed i
n planning a new CRP.