The development of a neural net system for fault diagnosis in a marine
diesel engine is described. Nets were trained to classify combustion
quality on the basis of simulated data. Three different types of data
were used: pressure, temperature and combined pressure and temperature
. Subsequent to training, three nets were selected and combined by mea
ns of a majority voter to form a system which achieved 100% generalisa
tion to the test set. This performance is attributable to a reliance o
n the software engineering concept of diversity. Following experimenta
l evaluation of methods of creating diverse neural nets solutions, it
was concluded that the best results should be obtained when data is ta
ken from two different sensors (e.g. a pressure and a temperature sens
or), or where this is not possible, when new data sets are created by
subjecting a set of inputs to non-linear transformations. These conclu
sions have far reaching implications for other neural net applications