Advanced lesions of the oropharynx are known to have increased surviva
l with surgical excision combined with radiation therapy. Traditional
surgery involves either a mandibular resection or, more recently, a ma
ndibular sparing approach primarily through a lip-splitting incision.
At our institution posterior oropharyngeal lesions are approached via
a combined intraoral and transhyoid technique. Nineteen sequential pro
cedures using this approach were compared with a similar number of pre
vious, stage-matched controls in an attempt to obtain valid comparable
information. No significant difference between the groups was noted w
ith respect to surgical margins. A significant difference was, however
, seen with respect to the need for flap closure with none required in
the transhyoid group and five in the mandibulotomy group. Furthermore
, a statistical difference was observed with respect to the presence o
f;significant complications in favor of the transhyoid group. These re
sults indicate that similar cure rates can be achieved with lower morb
idity by use of a transhyoid pharyngotomy approach to tumors of the or