Subsequent to strokes in the right acid left inferomedial occipito-tem
poral lobes, two patients became prosopagnosic and alexic, respectivel
y. They also show a complementary dissociation of the analysis of hand
written text. The patient with the right posterior stroke can read it
but not recognize whose handwriting it is; the patient with the left p
osterior stroke cannot read the text but knows who wrote it. The analy
sis of spatial vision revealed that the prosopagnosic patient has no p
roblem with seeing texture elements when presented in isolation. Yet s
he performs poorly with Moire and texture perception, i.e. she suffers
from a selective loss of global visual perception. The alexic patient
performs well with Moire patterns but neither with (complex) texture
elements nor with textures. She seemingly can locally and globally pro
cess patterns composed of simple figural elements but fails with stimu
li that require the integration of features. This finding of a concomi
tant dissociation of local and global visual processes in the two pati
ents supports the view that prosopagnosia as well as alexia are the mo
st conspicuous aspects of more general alterations of visual perceptio