Near-UV visual pigments have been reported in single cones of several
freshwater and euryhaline fishes. The presence of UV visual pigments i
n stenohaline marine fishes have, as yet, not been identified. In the
pomacentridae near-UV visual pigments are present in single cones from
the three species we examined-the tropical coral fishes Dascyllus tri
maculatus and Pomacentrus coelestis, and the temperate Chromis punctip
innis. Maximum absorption of the UV pigments is centered around 360 nm
. In juvenile Chromis, however, the UV visual pigment is not present.
Instead there is a single cone containing a violet-sensitive pigment a
bsorbing maximally around 420 nm. All three species are obligate diurn
al planktivores. The UV sensitivity may function to enhance their abil
ity to forage on zooplankton.