The detailed behavior of phonon dispersion curves near momenta which s
pan the electronic Fermi sea in a superconductor is presented. An anom
aly, similar to the metallic Kohn anomaly, exists in a superconductor'
s dispersion curves when the frequency of the phonon spanning the Ferm
i sea exceeds twice the superconducting energy gap. This anomaly occur
s at approximately the same momentum but is stronger than the normal-s
tate Kohn anomaly. It also survives at finite temperature, unlike the
metallic anomaly. Determination of Fermi-surface diameters from the lo
cation of these anomalies, therefore, may be more successful in the su
perconducting phase than in the normal state. However, the superconduc
tor's anomaly fades rapidly with increased phonon frequency and become
s unobservable when the phonon frequency greatly exceeds the gap. This
constraint makes these anomalies useful only in high-temperature supe
rconductors such as La1.85Sr0.15CuO4.