Inactivation of many ion channels occurs through largely voltage-indep
endent transitions to an inactivated state from the open state or from
other states in the pathway leading to opening of the channel. Becaus
e this form of inactivation is state-dependent rather than voltage-dep
endent, it cannot be described by the standard Hodgkin-Huxley formalis
m used in virtually all modeling studies of neuronal behavior. Using t
wo examples, cumulative inactivation of the Kv3 potassium channel and
inactivation of the fast sodium channel, we extend the standard formal
ism for modeling macroscopic membrane currents to account for state-de
pendent inactivation. Our results provide an accurate description of c
umulative inactivation of the Kv3 channel, new insight into inactivati
on of the sodium channel, and a general framework for modeling macrosc
opic currents when state-dependent processes are involved. In a model
neuron, the macroscopic Kv3 current produces a novel short-term memory
effect and firing delays similar to those seen in hippocampal neurons