The structure of the submental platysma muscle was evaluated in 20 pre
served cadavers. Four distinct patterns were identified, depending on
the pattern of merging of the right and left platysma bundles. Fifteen
percent of cases showed a complete platysma diaphragm submentally, wh
ile in the other 85% there was some degree of midline dehiscence. In t
he 85% of cases where right and left fibers merged or crossed to form
a V or U shape, the apex of the V or U was measured relative to the ch
in point. The distance between right and left fibers was measured at t
wo locations posterior to the chin point. The width of the midline deh
iscence (when present) was 6-24 mm (mean 11.8 mm) 1 cm posterior to it
s apex and 10-44 mm (mean 20.00 mm) 2 cm posterior to the apex. The wi
der and more divergent the dehiscence and the more U-shaped the dehisc
ence between left and right platysma bundles, the greater may be the t
endency to a ''turkey gobbler'' deformity with inadequate medial suppo
rt for the skin and subcutaneous tissues.