Adaptive array processing algorithms have achieved widespread use beca
use they are very effective at rejecting unwanted signals (i.e., contr
olling sidelobe levels) and in general have very good resolution (i.e.
, have narrow mainlobes). However, many adaptive high-resolution array
processing algorithms suffer a significant degradation in performance
in the presence of environmental mismatch. This sensitivity to enviro
nmental mismatch is of particular concern in problems such as acoustic
array processing in the ocean where the array processor's knowledge o
f the propagation characteristics of the ocean is usually imperfect. A
maximum energy matched field processor is formulated which ''tunes''
the replica vector used by a minimum variance distortionless response
(MVDR) matched field processor to adjust for fluctuations in the envir
onment. The resulting processor has the same structure as the two-stag
e MVDR processor interpretation of the adaptive minmax matched field p
rocessor proposed previously. However, the criteria which the two proc
essors use to ''tune'' replica vector differ. The result is that the M
EMV processor achieves a level of performance superior to that of the
adaptive minmax processor and dose to that of traditional adaptive pro
cessors while limiting the sensitivity of the processor to environment
al mismatch. An algorithm for implementing the processor is developed,
and the performance of the processor is analyzed.