The Fault Diagnosis Expert System for the Australia Telescope analyses
approximately 12000 items of monitor data every minute that report th
e health and stability of specific components and signal pathways in t
he array. These data are divided into signatures which are matched aga
inst signatures of known failure modes to diagnose problems with the a
rray. Knowledge about many of the failures is acquired by generating t
hem in earlier tests. The system keeps a six-hour history of the detai
led behaviour of all monitor data as well as the visibilities. It arch
ives the data in half-hour intervals, characterising the interval with
a small set of robust statistical estimators. An interactive graphica
l user interface allows the simultaneous display of twenty-four histor
ies of either the 6-hour data or one week of the characterised data, t
ogether with options for plotting one history against another and for
calculating their robust regression.