This study prospectively evaluated numerous tests of clotting function
in 897 consecutive adult cardiac surgical patients over 18 months. Th
is included coronary operation, valve replacement, and reoperative pat
ients. The tests included activated clotting time, activated partial t
hromboplastin time, prothrombin time, thrombin time, fibrinogen, fibri
n/fibrinogen degradation products, platelet count, and Duke's earlobe
bleeding time. Other variables such as age, sex, and cardiopulmonary b
ypass duration were included in the multivariate analysis. Statistical
ly significant correlations were found between 16-hour mediastinal dra
inage and activated partial thromboplastin time, fibrinogen, activated
clotting time, fibrin/fibrinogen degradation products, platelet count
, and prothrombin time. Scatter plots indicate that these relationship
s, although statistically significant, had little predictive value and
were largely significant as a result of the large number of patients
in each group, which permitted weak correlations to reach statistical
significance. The best multivariate model constructed could explain on
ly 12% of the observed variation in postoperative blood loss. Because
the predictive values of the tests are so low, it does not appear sens
ible to screen patients routinely using these clotting tests shortly a
fter cardiopulmonary bypass.